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Sociological profile of economic columnists of the main Brazilian newspapers (2019-2021)

Organizadores: Mateus C. M. de Albuquerque (UFPR); Renato Perissinotto (UFPR); Rodolfo Palazzo Dias (UFSC); Paula de O. Portela (UFPR); Pedro C. A. Beff
Resumo: This database analyzes the main economic columnists who wrote for the printed newspapers Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo, O Estado de S. Paulo and Valor Econômico between 2019 and 2021. The columnists were chosen from a survey of professors from the economics departments of important Brazilian universities. Of these columnists, we analyzed their educational and career profile, their connection with Think Tanks and with governments. We also extract the text from its columns for further analysis, in which prosopographic data are crossed with textual analyses.
Período de Referência: 2019-2021
Período de Coleta: 02/2022-06/2022
Período de Conclusão: 06/2022
Universo: 58 colunistas econômicos.
Plataforma de Públicação: Harvard Dataverse
Como citar: ALBUQUERQUE, Mateus C. M. de; PERISSINOTTO, Renato; DIAS, Rodolfo Palazzo; PORTELA, Paula de O.; BEFF, Pedro C. A., 2022, “Sociological profile of economic columnists of the main Brazilian newspapers (2019-2021)”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/XER7XJ, Harvard Dataverse, V1