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Conselheiros nomeados pelo governo brasileiro ao Comitê Gestor da Internet (CGIbr) entre os anos de 2004 e 2020

Organizadores: Mateus C. M. de Albuquerque (UFPR); Maurício Fanfa (UFSM)
Resumo: This database analyzes the tenured directors appointed by the brazilian government to the Internet Steering Committee (CGIbr, Comitê Gestor da Internet in portuguese) between 2004 and 2020. It analyzes the career origins of the nominees, questioning whether they are nominees or career civil servants, and, if they are from a career, which area of the state they come from. It also analyzes the educational trajectory of these individuals, evaluating the level of education and in which area of knowledge the last degree obtained belongs. The database also contains the following information: government in which the individual was appointed and nominating ordinance.
Período de Referência: 2004-2020
Período de Coleta: 04/2021-06/2021
Período de Conclusão: 06/2021
Universo: 53 indivíduos nomeados pelos governos para o CGIbr
Plataforma de Públicação: Harvard Dataverse
Como citar: ALBUQUERQUE, Mateus C. M. de; FANFA, Maurício de Souza, 2021, “Conselheiros nomeados pelo governo brasileiro ao Comitê Gestor da Internet (CGIbr) entre os anos de 2004 e 2020”, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/33FA8Y, Harvard Dataverse, V2.